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We’re just a handful of moons away from 2024. 2023 will bid us goodbye forever, just like 2022, 2021, and 2020. To ensure that your business doesn’t just survive but thrives, we’re presenting six digital marketing trends for 2024 to you. The list could be longer, maybe 10, 50, or even 100 trends, but we’ve focused on finding the most trending ones that you can easily implement, and the content we present is easy to digest.

Start with Trend #1: AI-driven Personalization

We’re entering an era where AI is going to infiltrate our workflows. Be it apps or software, the scope of manual input will decrease, and we will see more AI hacks or features surprisingly making our work smooth and easier. It won’t only make us faster but also diminish the scope of human error. AI-driven work modules will become a linchpin of our success. It helps us craft and create personalized content, segment audiences, and make our ad copies effective and conversional. Software like Chat GPT, Descript, Bard, Synthesia are already all set up to make this trend break all the ceilings and become an integral part of our life. Even age-old tools like Google Analytics, Photoshop, and Grammarly are embracing AI features wholeheartedly. 

AI is not a bubble but a fort that will stand and see countless events unfolding!

Trend #2: Voice Search Optimization

The usage of voice search is expanding like wildfire. We are engaging in voice searches more than ever before. Whether it’s Amazon Echo or Google Home, we have to optimize our content for voice search. We need to make your voice more conversational and focused on voice search. Our content should be the voice assistant’s best friend. 

Adapting to this trend will keep our content relevant in the evolving digital landscape. As of 2023, there are more voice assistants out there than people who’ve ever tried to teach their grandmas how to use emojis—yes, a whopping 4.2 billion of them! And guess what? By 2024, we’ll be swimming in a sea of 8.4 billion chatty companions.

Trend #3: Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Marketing

In today’s busy world, companies want new and exciting ways to catch people’s attention and get them interested in their products. That’s where Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) come in. AR lets you see how things would look in your own space before you buy them, like trying on furniture using your phone. Imagine Ikea’s app, where you can place virtual furniture in your home and, surprise, it made more people decide to buy things by a lot! Now, Virtual Reality (VR) is like taking a magical trip without leaving your home. For example, Marriott lets you use VR to see hotel rooms before you book them, and lots more people booked after trying it. And guess what? The numbers show that AR can make people 70% more interested in products, while VR makes them remember brands better by the same amount. Plus, both AR and VR can make people 20% more likely to buy things. So, it’s not just a cool thing; it’s a big change in how companies make people like their stuff. And this is just the beginning—these cool technologies are going to be even more important in the future!

Trend #4: Enhance Video Marketing

Video marketing is already a hot trend and it will go up in 2024. People love watching videos, from live streams to special 360-degree ones. Videos are super important because they grab attention and make you feel things. Plus, videos are easy to share on social media, so more people can see them. Short videos on TikTok and Instagram are also getting really popular. You can use videos to show off products, share what customers think, answer questions live, or even show behind-the-scenes stuff. It’s not just a trend; using videos is a powerful way to sell more and make your brand known. If you’re not using videos yet, now’s the time to start!

Trend #5: Joining hands with micro-influencers

In 2024, being real is super important in influencer marketing. Instead of only teaming up with famous influencers, brands are focusing on micro-influencers. These are folks with smaller followings but get way more people interested. Studies say micro-influencers create 22.2 times more engagement per post than the big influencers. People want influencers who are genuine and not just trying to sell stuff. Brands are also teaming up with a diverse group of influencers, showing they care about everyone. Lots of businesses, about 89%, are thinking of spending more on influencer marketing in 2024. And you know what’s cool? The smaller influencers, the micro ones, actually get 60% more people interested compared to the big ones. People really trust what these influencers suggest, like 71% of them. Plus, here’s a fun fact: for every dollar a brand spends on influencer marketing, they get back 11 dollars! So, for businesses to do this influencer thing right, they should know who they want to talk to, what they believe in, and pick influencers carefully. It’s like choosing the right team. And to make sure everything works well, they use data and analytics, kind of like smart computer stuff. Following these tricks helps businesses do influencer marketing that really talks to people and makes a real impact. Cool, right?

Trend #6: Shoppable Social Media

Social media has transformed into a place where people not only connect but also buy things, known as shoppable social media. Brands are focusing on this because it changes how they interact with customers and sell products. Shoppable social media is happening because more people use phones to shop, visuals are popular on social media, and people trust recommendations from others. Stats show that half of people buy through social media, and it’s good for brands because it increases awareness, engages people, helps them find new things, and boosts sales. Businesses can use shoppable social media well by working with the right influencers, showcasing products effectively, providing information, using relevant hashtags, and tracking performance. In conclusion, shoppable social media is reshaping online shopping, and businesses can leverage it to connect with customers and increase sales. Cool, right?

Get in touch with DigiDigo for the future of digital marketing! We’ve got you covered with AI personalization, voice search tweaks, cool AR/VR stuff, better videos, micro-influencer buddies, and social media shopping. Stay ahead in 2024—use these trends for business success!

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